Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today was Labor day and so I chose to labor away. It was great! No holiday to intrrupt my teaching and I turned the holiday into itself a lesson. Quite nice indeed. I also told him about American Children having to work the factories in the 1900's and the reason behind child labor laws. I also explained to him that our public schools are set up the way they are because of those factories: to teach children to live, eat, poop, sleep, and breath by the bell. Also the children must learn to tolerate strict confined spaces and accept little room to play around and explore their childhood desires; industry can not tolerate slow paced relaxed people. Thi sis true. The whole reason behind our system was creatd shortly after Henry Ford INTRODUCED THE ASSEMBLY LINE. The time line coincidence is eeri too.
Anyway, the home school schedualing has become easier and his abilities are really shinning through. There are no bells and no timers. i will gear his teachings around his passions, theatre, movies, horror and being in control. I will keep reminding myself to focus on his positive behaviors and his accomplishments no matter how small. Today he began to really grasp the whole regrouping thing in math and I am feeling comfortable with his ability in math to the point I may move on to the next lesson next week. He just needs a relaxed enviornment. I wish the school had caught on but alas this is an institution that believes children should be seen and not heard unless it is to brown nose the teacher. And any odd child is a defective child not to be hassled with. Those odd and weirdierd children will be pushed into bad egg classrooms we like to call Emotionally disturbed classrooms. Or,more nicely, E.D. classrooms. Yuck!
Okay, I need to stop digressing. I hope to fit in a field trip next week. We shall wait and see. I will post the promised e-mails or at lest a paraphrased version of them in the next week as well. I want the public to know just what kind of vindictive hateful witches run our schools and teach our children.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

first week down

So I survived Home school so far. Week one down so many many more to go. We had quite the adjustment period. It is just myself and E. Some days his dad but since His dad works it is most often just E and me. He is way ahead in reading, I knew that though, he is my child afterall and I have read ot him since he was an infant. His math is way behaind. No surprise there since he was in a very hostile and restrictive learning enviornment. I asked him why he could not do simple addition and subtraction with regrouping. He began to cry very heartfelt big rain drop tears and say in a very shakey voice: " It is not my fault mom, I was pulled out of class so much by that mean mean lady, even when I was being good, I never had a chance to really learn the stuff." I believe him as his 2nd grde work book was bare. I have so much hatred for his school. But that is behind us now and I am off to a new begining. I will not discuss the past because I need to focus on now and tomorrow.
Anyway, we went on a field trip to the choclate factory a choclate store down town and the owners of the store were so awsome and full of knowledge. Eddy did very well too, with his questions and his full attention on the lesson and the yummy choclate smaples. I will make a lesson out of South America and the equator next week and the history of the choclate trade. It will be a fun lesson indeed.
I hope to catch a play next week and attend a couple of dDemocratic events to give Eddy a taste of politics, I will attend a republic event too, it is just that the Democratic events are usually cheaper, lol!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Today is the first day of the rest of my son's education. He will oficaiily begin lessons on the 18th of August, a whole week before public school has begun lessons. Am I scared to do this? Oh, I would so be fibbing if I said otherwise. SO I will just say maybe. Let me introduce myself to this online world. My name is Araminta and I am home schooling my son in the classical style of learning with a bit of unschooling and Socratic method in there as well. I will explain each style as I appraoch them. I will refer to my son as simply E, for his privacy as he is a minor and I want no weirdo trying to contact him . . . hay it happens. He is 8 years of age and has ADHD and narcissistic behavior. Some would claim he has Aspersers, but he has empathy skills and has no real math genius, so there goes that theory. I chose to home school him after three incidents with his public school. Kindergarten - slapped in face by teacher, old worn out crabby lady who got away with the slap because the cop was an a-hole and used the outdated, no longer in effect corporal punishment allowance, there was no real jurisdiction for or against it in the district. I chose to be against it. I pulled him out of the school and placed him in a different school for first grade, the teacher had no class room management skills and let three fights breakout in her class that year, I witnessed two and stopped one. My son was spit on by a class room bully on an IEP (individual education plan) because he was BI-POLAR and a brat. My son got in trouble because he used a martial arts chock hold on him. The IEP kid received no reprimand for spitting. NOT COOL. I decided to try his district school again for 2nd grade. The teacher was another old worn out child hater-doing-it-for-the- retirement-plan type and Eddy and she did not mesh well at all. He was a creative challenge who hated slow paced underachiever work, she was a teacher set in her lesson plan ways not willing to budge. After I discovered he was being out right ignored by her and harassed by a very unprofessional Para professional, I had enough. I have 217 pages, which I promise to publish exerts from on here in due time, showing the harassment he received and the blatant disregard for his rights as a human child to live without fear of harassment and abuse from an adult. I am considering legal action but for now, I did what was right by my child and quit my job and work only part time outside the home. I am now a bonafied teacher/mother/cook/ cleaner/ all around devoted housewife and mother-teacher.It is not going to be easy. Teaching is a learning process. There are people who do it for 25+ years and end up truly hating kids but stay in it for the pay check and retirement. I will not get a pay check but hopefully in 10 years, I can retire from the position and let a university take over.